What can hypnosis do?
The areas of application of hypnosis are very diverse, both for adults and children. No matter if top athlete, manager. Student, women/men - Hypnosis is considered to be one of the most effective and natural means of healing oneself. Get an overview of the possibilities below.

Do you associate smoking with relaxation, concentration and enjoyment? Do you prefer to spend hours at the casino on your weekend? Or do you now reach for a bottle of wine every evening? Regardless of whether it is nicotine or alcohol addiction - the desire for change is often very great and yet most people fail when they try to stop. Our subconscious doesn't like letting go of familiar habits. As long as it combines an addiction with benefits, it is difficult to break away from it. Using hypnosis to deal with addictions opens up a promising opportunity to support the path to recovery and release the grip of addiction. Hypnosis can be a valuable addition to traditional therapeutic approaches and can help address both the physical and emotional aspects of addictions. In hypnosis we find the cause of the addiction and delete the positive feelings associated with the behavior. We therefore work where the addiction originated. The desire for health and freedom is strengthened and anchored in the subconscious. This way you will be able to leave your addiction behind with ease.

To decrease
Have you tried many diets but none have been successful? Does your goal of snacking in the evening in front of the TV fail? Are you tired of struggling with the yo-yo effect? If you are unable to lose or gain weight, the cause often lies in the subconscious. Emotional eating, binge eating or past negative experiences (e.g. bullying due to weight) in particular cause our subconscious to block. In hypnosis we find exactly this blockage, dissolve it and fill the subconscious with self-confidence, confidence and motivation. This way you will be able to stick to your nutrition plans and goals with ease. It is important to emphasize that hypnosis alone cannot work miracles. A healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and physical activity remains crucial for sustainable weight loss/gain. However, hypnosis can be a valuable addition by positively influencing mental attitude, behavior and habits. Overall, hypnosis offers a promising opportunity to support the process of losing or gaining weight by aligning the subconscious mind towards positive change. With the right attitude, discipline and support, hypnosis can help achieve long-term success on the path to a healthier weight.

Do you suffer from chronic pain - perhaps even without a diagnosis being made? Do you just want a moment of peace and without pain? Pain reduction through hypnosis is a fascinating and promising method for helping people relieve or even control pain. Hypnosis starts where the pain arises - in the brain. “A pain that does not reach the brain is not pain.” During a hypnotic session, the therapist directs the patient's attention to positive and calming images while simultaneously pushing pain into the background. This can help reduce the perception of pain and reduce the stress that often accompanies it. People who use hypnosis to reduce pain often report a feeling of relief and relaxation. Hypnosis can promote the release of the body's endorphins, which act as natural painkillers. It can also influence how pain is processed in the brain and reduce the perception of pain signals. It can even be possible to find the cause of the pain and resolve it so that the subconscious no longer feels compelled to express itself with pain. It is important to emphasize that the effects of hypnosis can vary from person to person and not all people respond to it in the same way. Still, hypnosis has been shown to be an effective adjunct to traditional pain-relieving methods, particularly for chronic pain conditions such as migraines, fibromyalgia, and arthritis.

Fears & constraints
Do you avoid situations in your life because of your fears and phobias (e.g. dentist or flying)? Are you limited by constraints in your life? Do you want more calm and control? Almost all of us are afraid of certain things in life. These fears don't always stand in our way. Sometimes, however, fear can take over and cause us to avoid certain situations. We no longer get on a plane, avoid large crowds, put off the dentist appointment or don't dare go into the basement for fear of spiders. In the worst case scenario, we no longer go outside and isolate ourselves. By working within the subconscious, hypnosis can help identify and address underlying causes of anxiety. New thought patterns and coping strategies can be established that enable the individual to better deal with stressful situations and anxiety triggers. People who use hypnosis to reduce anxiety often report an improved ability to relax, let go of negative thoughts, and control fears. Whether it's social anxiety, phobias, panic attacks, or other forms of anxiety, hypnosis can play a supportive role in coping. Compulsions can also sometimes be reduced very well with hypnosis. Little by little we learn to tolerate constraints and thus regain our control.

sleep disorders & exhaustion
Do you feel drained and exhausted in your everyday life? Have you recently or for a long time been suffering from sleep disorders (e.g. difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, mind circles, etc.)? Improving sleep through hypnosis is a remarkable approach that can help people achieve deep, restful sleep. Hypnosis uses a state of relaxation and concentration to positively influence the subconscious and reduce disturbing thoughts or worries that often disrupt sleep. During a hypnotic session, the therapist guides the individual into a state of inner peace and serenity. Here new sleeping habits and mental patterns can be introduced to increase the quality of sleep. This can help reduce nighttime rumination, calm the mind, and create a positive sleep environment in the subconscious. Hypnosis can also help reduce physical tension, often leading to a more relaxed state before bed. By promoting deep relaxation, hypnosis can help reduce stress and prepare the body for a restful sleep. It is also possible to use cause-oriented hypnosis to discover and resolve the reason for the exhaustion or sleep disorder. People who use hypnosis to improve sleep often report increased sleep quality, shorter time to fall asleep, and an improved ability to stay asleep. However, it is important to note that hypnosis alone cannot solve all sleep problems. A healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, a balanced diet and creating a comfortable sleep environment is also crucial for long-term sleep improvement.

Blockages & trauma
Do you want to move forward in your life, but are you constantly caught up in your past? Do you keep stumbling over the same stones in your life? Do you feel like you are being guided by negative emotions? Use hypnosis to free yourself from worries, blockages and trauma that prevent you from achieving satisfaction. What happened in the past cannot be undone, nor should it be. Trauma processing through hypnosis is a compassionate and effective approach that can help people process stressful traumatic experiences and restore their emotional health. With hypnosis you learn to process and reconnect memories. Be it negative experiences from your childhood, defeats in sports or fears that you have built up over the last few years. Free your mind of all worries, fears and negative feelings and enjoy the feeling of peace and inner satisfaction. During a hypnotic session, the therapist directs the patient's attention to a safe and supportive environment that allows the trauma to be addressed gradually. Through targeted suggestions and positive changes in the subconscious, hypnosis can help reduce stressful thoughts, emotions and physical reactions. An important aspect of processing trauma through hypnosis is the ability to view traumatic events from a new perspective and thereby reduce emotional distress. This can help to gradually disempower the trauma and support a gradual restoration of emotional balance. It should be emphasized here that in the case of severe trauma, it is advisable to seek accompanying psychotherapeutic help. In summary, processing trauma through hypnosis offers a promising opportunity to help people cope with traumatic events and regain their quality of life. By targeting the subconscious towards healing, hypnosis can make a valuable contribution to processing trauma and pave the way to healthy psychological recovery.

Sexuality & desire to have children
Is the most beautiful thing in the world only associated with pressure, stress or perhaps even fear for you? Have you been struggling with a lack of desire for a long time? The connection between sexuality and hypnosis opens a fascinating door to deeper aspects of our subconscious and our sensuality. Hypnosis can play a supportive role in deepening the sexual experience, reducing inhibitions and promoting a healthy attitude towards one's sexuality. During a hypnotic session the focus may be on relaxation and releasing tension. This can reduce the inhibitions and fears that sometimes hinder sexual fulfillment. Through positive suggestions and visualizations, hypnosis can help increase confidence in your own sexuality and increase self-confidence in the bedroom. In addition, hypnosis can be a valuable addition to dealing with sexual dysfunctions such as erection problems or lack of desire. It can help overcome the psychological barriers that can accompany such problems and promote positive attitudes towards sexual health. Hypnosis can also be a very valuable addition when it comes to the desire to have children. Using hypnosis in the fertility process can help couples mobilize their emotional and physical resources to create a positive attitude and an optimal environment for conception. Hypnosis can also help control the physical response to stress, which can have a positive effect on hormonal balance and the menstrual cycle. By reducing stress and anxiety, hypnosis can put the body in an optimal state for conception. By combining hypnosis with comprehensive medical care, couples may be able to increase their chances of a successful pregnancy and support their desire to have children in a compassionate way.

make decisions
Are you facing an important decision but are unsure what the right path is? Do you feel nervous about making the final decision and giving up one of the options? We always have to make important decisions, be it in relationships or in our professional careers. Decisions are fundamentally difficult because they always create uncertainty - something our subconscious doesn't like at all. Making decisions can often be a challenging task, accompanied by doubts, fears and insecurities. In this context, hypnosis can be a valuable method to support the decision-making process and create clarity. Hypnosis can help calm the mind and focus on one's own desires, needs and goals. By achieving a relaxed state, stressful thought patterns can be broken, allowing for a clearer perspective and greater insight into the various options. The power of hypnosis is that it can stimulate the subconscious mind to bring to light hidden beliefs and emotions that influence our decisions. By transforming hindering thought patterns, hypnosis can positively influence the decision-making process and strengthen self-confidence. However, it is important to emphasize that hypnosis is not a magical solution to decision-making. Rather, it can serve as a tool to clear your own mind and activate inner resources. Overall, hypnosis can help simplify the complexities of the decision-making process by tapping into the subconscious mind to promote clarity, confidence, and a focused mind. By releasing internal blockages, hypnosis can be a helpful method for making smarter, more confident decisions.

sports hypnosis
Are you easily distracted by disruptive factors at the crucial moment? Are you unable to perform at your best in the competition? Or are you suffering from anxiety since a fall? Sports hypnosis is a fascinating approach that can help athletes improve their performance, overcome mental blocks and reach their full athletic potential. By using hypnosis, athletes can be put into a state of deep relaxation, which makes it possible to specifically influence the subconscious. During a sports hypnosis session, positive suggestions and visualizations are used to boost confidence, improve concentration and promote motivation. Athletes can overcome mental obstacles such as self-doubt, fears or distractions that often hinder athletic performance. Hypnosis can also help promote the state of “flow,” in which athletes can operate in an optimal state of awareness and use their skills seamlessly and efficiently. This can help athletes perform at their best in competition. Another benefit of sports hypnosis is that it promotes recovery and healing after injuries. Through targeted suggestions, healing processes can be accelerated and pain reduced, which can lead to a quicker return to competition. The effectiveness of sports hypnosis lies in the fact that it reaches the subconscious, where deeply rooted beliefs and behavior patterns often lie. By mobilizing their inner resources and building mental strength, athletes can achieve their athletic goals and perform optimally. However, it is important to note that the effects of sports hypnosis can vary from person to person. It requires training and dedication to achieve the full effect. In summary, sports hypnosis offers a promising opportunity for athletes to increase their mental strength, overcome obstacles and perform in a state of optimal performance. By aligning the subconscious mind with positive change, hypnosis can help athletes achieve their athletic dreams.

child hypnosis
Does your child have trouble sleeping alone or away from home? Does he struggle with stomach pain/vomiting in situations that make him nervous? Or does he tend to wet the bed? Hypnosis for children is a gentle and sensitive method to help young people in various areas of life. In a gentle and respectful environment, child hypnosis can help alleviate fears and worries. This therapeutic technique helps children discover their inner strength and develop a positive self-image. Through calming suggestions, children's hypnosis can help with sleep problems, promote restful sleep and overcome fears about falling asleep. It can also be used for behavioral challenges such as nail biting or bedwetting to show children ways to overcome these habits. Because children have a natural need for experiences and ideas and like to immerse themselves in fantasy lands, they respond particularly well to hypnosis. Through exciting stories and great pictures, your child will be taken on a special journey into their subconscious in order to solve their problem together with me in “teamwork”. In this way, improvements can be achieved in a very short time without the child being overloaded or mentally exhausted. Hypnotherapy can be used on children aged 5 and over and helps with the following issues: - Anxiety issues in general - Bedwetting - Stuttering - Homesickness - Mobbing - Learning difficulties - Support when parents separate - Processing losses (e.g. death) - Blockages of all kinds - Concentration - Pain (e.g. stomach ache) Overall, child hypnosis is a compassionate approach that aims to promote children's well-being and give them the tools to successfully navigate a complex world.

(Performance) pressure, stress management
Do you suffer from your own demands to always do everything perfectly? Do you feel like your life only consists of work and sleep? Or is your body sending you clear signals that everything is too much for it? Pressure to perform is an ever-present challenge in our performance-oriented society. This pressure often leads to stress, anxiety and self-doubt, which in turn can affect performance and well-being. This is where hypnosis comes into play as a valuable tool to help people deal with pressure to perform and develop their full potential. Targeted hypnotic techniques can be used to gently address the pressure to perform. During a hypnotic session, the hypnotherapist may use positive suggestions to increase self-confidence, reduce stress, and increase the ability to focus. The hypnotic trance makes it possible to reach the subconscious and establish new patterns of thought and behavior that help manage the pressure to perform. With cause-oriented hypnosis we can also find out where the high demands on ourselves come from and thus resolve them. Hypnosis can help reduce anxiety and negative thoughts associated with pressure to perform. It promotes a positive mental attitude that allows people to focus on their strengths and free themselves from excessive pressure. By restoring inner balance, hypnosis can help increase performance in a natural and sustainable way. It is important to emphasize that hypnosis is not a panacea, but rather a tool that can be used in conjunction with other strategies such as stress management, mindfulness and self-care. The greatest success is achieved with a combination of these techniques.

Allergies, tics, other physical symptoms
Are you suffering from an allergy that somehow came out of nowhere? Are you constantly chewing your nails uncontrollably as a more stressful time/situation approaches? Or do you pluck out your eyelashes, hair or eyebrows without even realizing it? No matter what symptom we suffer from, it has its origins in our subconscious. If we work with cause-oriented hypnosis, we can identify this trigger and thus neutralize it. This makes it possible to resolve or at least reduce both allergies and tics (e.g. biting nails, pulling hair). During a hypnosis session, a hypnotist works with the goal of reaching the subconscious and promoting positive changes in behavior. This can be achieved by giving suggestions that reduce the desire to, for example, bite nails or replace them with alternative behaviors. However, it is important to emphasize that the effects of hypnosis for allergies can vary from person to person. Not everyone responds the same to hypnosis, and it should not be viewed as a replacement for established medical treatments. If someone has a serious allergic reaction, it is crucial to contact a qualified healthcare professional and not to discontinue established medical treatments without consultation.

antenatal & postprocessing
Are you currently pregnant and want to prepare for the birth as best as possible? Are you worried about the upcoming birth? Or have you had a bit of trouble getting used to your new everyday life? Preparing for birth with hypnosis is an increasingly popular method in which expectant mothers use hypnosis and relaxation techniques to prepare for a positive and stress-free birth. This method is based on the idea that the mother's mental and emotional well-being can have a direct impact on the course of the birth. During birth preparation hypnosis, expectant mothers can learn to achieve deep states of relaxation that allow them to minimize fears, worries and tension. This can help reduce the body's natural pain responses and make birth less painful. Through repeated positive suggestions during hypnosis, women can also develop a positive self-image related to childbirth and focus on a smooth process. Hypnosis birth preparation techniques often include visualizing a relaxed birth situation, repeating calming affirmations, and training the mind to think in a way that supports the birth process. The partner is also happy to be involved in this process so that he knows how he can support his wife during the birth through hypnotic suggestions. The postpartum period can be a time of joy, adjustment and challenge for new parents. Hypnosis can serve as a supportive method during this phase to facilitate physical recovery, emotional stability and adjustment to the new parenting role. Postpartum hypnosis can help reduce the stress and anxiety that often comes with the changes and challenges of new parenthood. The relaxation techniques of hypnosis can help improve sleep, reduce fatigue and promote overall well-being. For new mothers, hypnosis can also help promote physical healing after birth. By focusing on positive suggestions and visualizations, the mother can help her body heal and promote faster recovery.

Hypnosis without words (ChiroTrance)
Hypnosis that requires no words at all is even possible? And how! A deep trance is brought about through gentle touch. Not a single word is spoken during the entire hypnosis. Many customers report that they were able to experience their deepest relaxation ever in ChiroTrance. Hypnosis that requires no words at all is even possible? And how! A deep trance is brought about through gentle touch. Not a single word is spoken during the entire hypnosis. Many customers report that they were able to experience their deepest relaxation ever in ChiroTrance. The origin of ChiroTrance hypnosis dates back to the time of Vedic civilization over 5000 years ago. The client is treated completely without words. Both the introduction and the entire treatment take place exclusively in the hands of the hypnotherapist. Within seconds, a very deep trance is induced and the client remains completely free of external influences. This allows the “inner healer” and the human autonomic nervous system to work optimally. As a client, you will regain competence over yourself and your body. The focus of this type of hypnosis is on the self-healing powers. What is out of balance is brought back into balance. Blocked things can flow again and your energy reserves can recharge. After all, the soul and our subconscious always know best what is needed for healing to occur. Enjoy this type of hypnosis, which is much more than just a “wellness treatment”. Let yourself be carried away into the wonderful world of hypnosis without any words.

Confidence & self love
Does the thought of speaking in front of a group of people make you nervous? Just the thought of presenting suggestions to your boss sends shivers down your spine? Do you think you're not really good at anything and everyone else is better? Imagine the following situation. It's about a promotion and it's a decision between you and 3 other candidates. Each of you now has to convince the manager that you are the right person for this. But to do this you have to give a presentation in front of several people and present ideas. How do you feel? Do you think that others will definitely do a better job? That you're definitely going to blush or lose the thread? Or are you just extremely uncomfortable standing in front of these people? What if you could approach this task calmly and calmly? If you believe in yourself and know that you have a fair chance at that promotion. And if you were absolutely sure that you would deliver this presentation confidently and captivatingly. Well, how does that feel? Self-confidence is a crucial factor for personal well-being and success in life. It refers to trust in one's own abilities, decisions and self-esteem. Hypnosis can be a powerful tool for increasing self-confidence and overcoming negative self-doubt. In a hypnosis session, the hypnotherapist can work specifically on penetrating the subconscious with positive affirmations and suggestions. These positive messages can penetrate deep into the thought pattern and positively influence an individual's self-image. Hypnosis can help dissolve limiting beliefs that affect self-confidence and instead promote self-assurance and optimism. Through visualization techniques, hypnosis can also help you see yourself in more successful situations and develop a sense of pride and security in your abilities. This type of positive visualization can boost self-confidence and serve as a foundation for actual success.