Important information about your appointment
Every journey starts with the first step. Make yours today and book your appointment conveniently online now.If you are new, I recommend the trial session so that we can get to know each other without obligation and free of charge, discuss your goals and understand your concerns.
Trial sessions are generally held online via Zoom on Thursdays or Fridays. This ensures that the waiting time for appointments is not too long. Appointments on other days can be requested but are not guaranteedbecome T. If you prefer an appointment on site, please call me on 079 501 71 53.
All appointments booked are binding, including the trial session. If you are unable to attend, please cancel the appointment 24 hours in advance, otherwise it will be charged in full. Missed trial calls will be billed at 80CHF.
Before the trial session, please clarify with your health insurance company whether the costs will be covered if this is the condition.
Please note that the "first hypnosis session" is usually too short to really resolve a problem. It only serves to get to know hypnosis first without going directly into the topic or if you have already had a hypnosis session somewhere and just need a refresher.
Book an appointment now
- Available OnlineRead More
Führen Sie Ihr Probegespräch ganz bequem von Zuhause aus. Dauer: 15-20 Minuten.
30 min
1 hr 30 min
250 Swiss francs- Read More
Komplette Hypnosesitzung inkl. umfassender Anamnese und auflösender Hypnose.
2 hr 30 min
390 Swiss francs - Read More
Buchen Sie Ihren Hypnosetermin für Ihr Kind. Sofern es unter 14 ist, reicht diese Sitzungsdauer.
1 hr 15 min
187 Swiss francs - Read More
Lernen Sie in dieser Sitzung die Selbsthypnose kennen & wie Sie sich in diesen Zustand bringen.
1 hr 20 min
250 Swiss francs